Ever have that “I woke up on the wrong side of the bed” feeling from lack of sleep?
It happens.
We stay up too late; we toss and turn from brain overload; we just can’t stay asleep.
There are many reasons why sleep evades us, but there are even more reasons why sleep is important for your health.
Let’s talk about 5 reasons why it’s time to make sleep a wellness priority.
5 Reasons Why Sleep Is Important For Your Health
Before we dig into the why behind sleep, let’s talk about the what.
What makes for healthy sleep?
As an adult, 6-9 hours (depending on your biology, etc.) of restful (goes to bed easily, stays asleep, or goes back to sleep without difficulty) of sleep is recommended for optimum function.
If that doesn’t sound like your routine, read on to find out why better sleep is important for your health.
Want to help your memory and brain function? Get good sleep.
Sleep deprivation can feel like you’re starving your brain (poor concentration, bad mood, etc.)
Tip: Make your brain feel like it’s firing on all cylinders — and recall that barista’s name — all with a good night’s sleep.
Poor sleep can lead to weight fluctuations due to slower metabolism and feeling sluggish.
The next thing you know you’re staring at the inside of your refrigerator at midnight pondering a grilled cheese sandwich.
Tip: Focus on restful sleep and feel comfortable in your body and full of energy again.
When sleep evades you, so do your emotions and happiness.
You can be quick to anger, frustration, and it may feel like you’re on a rollercoaster ride of emotions.
Tip: Hop off the bad sleep train and start to do the happy dance. While sleep may not be a cure for all bad moods, it can start to even out the erratic waves.
When your body is working overtime compensating for lack of sleep, so is your immune system.
Tip: What did mom always say when you were sick? Rest and help your immune system stay strong and healthy.
Because you lack sleep, your workouts aren’t what they could be — you’re not on top of your game, and you feel it.
Tip: With extra ZZZ’s, your focus and accuracy could improve your workout performance and you’ll feel better about time spent working out.
How To Get Better Sleep
Now that you know the importance of sleep for your health, are you still wondering how to get better sleep?
If these reasons pique your interest, but you're still left baffled by your sleep routine, it’s time to get some help.
• Assess your sleep hygiene (TV’s and screen’s, caffeine too close to bedtime, etc.)
• Ask for help (see your healthcare professional)
• Get your hormones checked because they can play a role in sleep disturbances
Ready to incorporate better sleep into your wellness routine?
Keep these important tips in mind when you need extra help with catching those ZZZ’s.
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