We know talking about your vaginal health isn’t something that comes up in most conversations, but as MonaLisa Touch® says, “It’s OK to talk about it.™”
And that is exactly what we are going to do.
Because if you suffer from any vaginal discomfort or intimate health concerns, there’s no better time than now to start feeling better.
What Is MonaLisa Touch®?
MonaLisa Touch® is a treatment option for vaginal health that can treat symptoms such as vaginal dryness, burning, elasticity, and challenges related to menopausal symptoms and painful intercourse, as well as urinary incontinence.
How MonaLisa Touch® Works
MonaLisa Touch® is fast and safe and helps generate new elastin, vascularization, and collagen to the vaginal mucosa by using a gentle, fractional CO2 laser with a vaginal probe that’s inserted into your vagina and delivers laser energy pulses--all while only taking less than 5 minutes!
This in-office procedure is virtually painless and requires no anesthesia.
Three MonaLisa Touch® treatments are recommended (in 6-week increments) and most women report a significant improvement after their initial treatment.
2 Ways MonaLisa Touch® Supports Your Vaginal Health
1. Vaginal Atrophy (aka, “dang I’m feelin’ like a desert down there”)
Vaginal atrophy is when the vaginal walls begin to thin and become dry or inflamed due to the body producing less estrogen.
This typically affects women who are peri and post-menopausal, as well as those who have had both ovaries surgically removed, and those who’ve undergone chemotherapy treatments and pelvic radiation therapy for cancer.
This can also affect your sex life because of the inflamed and dry vaginal walls which can create uncomfortable friction during intercourse.
2. Incontinence (aka, “whoops I just bent down and now I need a clean-up on aisle 3”)
Urinary and/or stress incontinence refers to what happens when an activity such as sneezing, coughing, heavy lifting or running places pressure on your bladder. Stress incontinence does not equate to a psychological stress, although it can be a very frustrating and embarrassing condition to contend with.
Stress incontinence is more common in women than men and some contributing factors include childbirth, prostate and/or pelvic surgery, obesity, smoking and high impact activities.
You may have urinary and/or stress incontinence if you experience urine leakage when you: laugh, cough, sneeze, get out of a car, exercise, lift something heavy, stand up and/or have sex.
Your Next Steps
If you suffer from these symptoms, please speak with your healthcare provider, especially one that specializes in MonaLisa Touch®
There are options and it doesn’t have to be painful.
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