Did you know some 20 million Americans have a form of thyroid disease and women are 5-8 times more likely than men to have problems with their thyroid ?
You’ve probably heard of someone you know that suffers from thyroid issues. Or maybe you have your own suspicions around the health of yours.
Because the thyroid is a big producer of hormones, imbalances can occur simultaneously in both the thyroid and hormones.
If the health of your thyroid and hormones have ever been a question, we have 3 things for you to know for optimal balance.
What Is the Thyroid?
This tiny but mighty butterfly-shaped gland is located under the Adam’s apple and is critical in how hormones function properly in the body.
It helps regulate metabolism and hormones and has an influence on most of the body—including the heart, brain, liver, kidneys, and skin.
Think of your thyroid gland like a car—it requires maintenance, fuel, time, and attention to function properly.
When a disruption in the thyroid occurs, a disorder like hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, goiter, and nodules can appear.
Symptoms of these disorders can show up in the form of—
• Slow thinking
• Stiffness and pain in joints
• Bags under the eyes
• Poor sense of balance, dizziness
• Nasal congestion
• Yellowing of palms of hands and soles of feet
• Depression
• Moody and irritable
• Bowel movements less than daily, or with difficulty
• Face looks bloated
• Difficulty losing weight, even when eating less/exercising more
• Feel worse if a meal is missed
• Sleep disturbances
• Lack of sweating, even when exercising
• Frequent infections
• Headaches, often worse in morning
• Low sex drive
• Excessive menstrual bleeding
• Feel cold more than most other people
• Dry skin or hair and/or hair loss
Any of these symptoms seem familiar to you?
Thyroid and Hormones | 3 Things to Know for Optimal Balance
Yes, the thyroid is a major player in the overall health and function of your body, so it makes sense to have a concern if this gland isn’t working properly.
Keep in mind—even if your thyroid acts up—you have options for optimal balance with your thyroid and hormones.
It may go without saying, but for some, a nudge to see a doctor is necessary.
And if you haven’t found one you enjoy (or one in general!)—now is the perfect time to find a doctor and become established as a patient.
One of the worst feelings is a lack of control when it comes to health. Be ahead of the game—and in control of your health—by finding and working with a doctor you feel comfortable with.
Special hormones that regulate the thyroid—like TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), T4 (Thyroxine), T3 (Triiodothyronine), and Reverse T3—need to be screened by a physician for proper diagnosis.
Think of this doctor visit as self-care and (hopefully) on the road to knowing more about what your body needs to feel its best!
Hormone therapy by BioTE® is a plant-based, non-synthetic, natural hormone replacement therapy aimed to balance your hormones for healthy aging—especially when it comes to your thyroid.
Oftentimes, a thyroid treatment can hit a wall, and then it’s back to the drawing board for a different thyroid therapy.
With the help of BioTE® hormone optimization, you may experience thyroid symptom relief with the objective of restoration— both for your emotional and physical wellbeing.
Find a qualified BioTE® provider near you and begin the conversation of what bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can do for you.
Guess what lifestyle factor plays a major role in your thyroid health ?
We know that’s probably not a big surprise considering how much stress can affect so many aspects of everyday life.
The upside to this is you can help control—more often than not—the role stress plays in your life and the impact on your thyroid health.
Incorporation of a Mediterranean Diet (abundant vegetables, fruit, lean protein, fish, and healthy fats like avocado and olive oil) may help lower inflammation in the body for a healthy thyroid.
It’s best to stay away from processed foods—especially those high in refined sugar and trans fats.
Stick with whole foods low in sugar, decrease environmental toxins such as BPA and strong fragrances, move your body daily (a 15–20-minute walk is good for the body and soul), and check with your doctor about what supplements—if any—could support your thyroid.
When it comes to your thyroid—and hormones in general—it’s best to utilize a team effort approach.
Speak with a doctor and get tests run that’ll steer you in the right direction and come up with a plan to get your thyroid and hormones working at optimal health.
If you’re interested in hormone health, or what BioTE® can do for you, Dr. Elijah would love to speak with you about hormone health.
Schedule an appointment today to start your self-care and wellness journey!
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